St Columba’s Catholic Primary School has a named SENDCO, Mrs C Harman, who is responsible for SEND.
St. Columba’s Catholic Primary School have adopted the Bishop Bewick Catholic Education Trust SEND policy which as been developed in consultation with SENDCOs, headteachers and trustees from across the trust.
SEND Information Report
The Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Local Offer sets out the support and services that are available for children and young people aged 0-25 years across North Tyneside.
North Tyneside Local Offer
Further information on available local offer services is available on the North Tyneside website linked on this page.
The St Columba’s Intervention team are made up of the following members of staff:
Mrs C Harman – Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator
Teaching Assistants who are trained in a range of Interventions including 1st Class@Number, Success@Arithmetic, Boosting Reading@Primary School (BRP) and BLAST.
Tracy Anderson – Next Step Wellbeing – School Counselling Service
The link governor for SEND is Mr P Dinsley
Outside agencies who are involved with the school may provide specific programmes of intervention or work in the school to support individual pupils these include :-
Sue Wilson – Language and Communication Team
Victoria Harper – Educational Psychology Service
Joanne Johnson – Speech and Language Therapist
Kate Nesbitt – Sensory Support Team
Visiting staff from:
North Tyneside Dyslexia Team
Silverdale outreach team
School Nursing Service
The Locality Team